If you noticed a change in your breathing rate. Why might this be?​

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What Causes Breathing Rate To Change:

An area at the base of the brain controls breathing. The brain sends signals from the brain to the breathing muscles. Sometimes, the body needs to adjust the breathing rate. Receptors in the brain detect low oxygen or high carbon dioxide levels and send signals to the body, which can change the breathing rate.

What Affects The Breathing Of Rate:

Factors Influencing Breathing

CO2 levels are the main influence, oxygen levels only affect breathing with dangerously low. If CO2 levels increase, the respiratory center( medulla and pons) is stimulated to increase the rate and depth of breathing.

What does an increase in breathing rate mean:

When your breathing rate changes, it may mean your body isn't getting enough oxygen. Fever, dehydration, and infection can all speed up your breathing. So can long-term health conditions like asthma, COPD, and heart problems.