21. Virgo. Taurus and Orion are a few of the commonly known constellations, but how many constellations are there altogether A. 90 B. 88 C.77 D. 12 22. How are constellations originally named and identified? A. as people or animals they may have resembled B. mathematically, with numbers and coordinates C. in groups of very distant, bright or old stars D. by their location from Earth's horizon 23. Orion is visible during the winter night sky and is one of the most recognizable constellations - it contains some of the stars that we can see and is named for the hunter from Greek mythology A. biggest C. brightest B. smallesi D. darkesi 24. Sailors use what star to navigate on long voyages? It is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and it does not move its position in the sky throughout the course of night. A. The Big Dipper C. The Sun B. The North Siar D. Venus 25. How did ancient civilizations use the stars? A when to plant crops C. Calendars B. navigation D. all the above