True or false
_____________1. Cell transport is movement of materials across cell membranes.
_____________2. Cell transport includes passive and active transport.
_____________3. Active transport does not require energy whereas active transport requires energy to proceed.
_____________4. Simple diffusion is the movement of a substance due to differences in concentration without any help from other molecules.
_____________5. Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules across a membrane. Water moves in or out of a cell by osmosis until its concentration is the same on both sides of the plasma membrane. Osmosis has three types of solution, namely; hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic solution
_____________6. Facilitated diffusion is the movement of a substance across a membrane due to differences in concentration but only occurs with the help of transport proteins, such as channel proteins or carrier proteins, in the membrane.
_____________7. Passive transport requires energy to proceed. It has three types, namely; endocytosis, exocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis.
_____________8. Large molecules enter the cell by generalized non-selective process known as endocytosis.
_____________9. Exocytosis is the reverse process where a membrane-bound vesicle filled with bulky materials moves to the plasma membrane and fuses with it. In this process, the vehicle’s contents are released out of the cell.
____________10. Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a complicated mechanism involving the transport of materials through coated vesicles.
____________11. The greater the concentration difference, the faster the rate of osmosis.
____________12. Lighter particles will move more slowly and so will have a slower rate of diffusion. Smaller particles on the other hand will diffuse faster.
____________13. The lower the temperature, the faster the rate of osmosis
____________14. Endocytosis is the process by which a cell membrane invaginates and forms a pocket around a cluster of molecules.
____________15. Phagocytosis- known as “cell drinking”, the type of endocytosis through which a cell takes in food particles.