Sagot :
1. The essential elements of any melody are duration, pitch, and quality (timbre), texture, and loudness. Though the same melody may be recognizable when played with a wide variety of timbres and dynamics, the latter may still be an "element of linear ordering.
2. A melody or "theme" can have three different directions: it can be ascending, descending or horizontal. In the first example the melody alternates between ascending and descending motions.
3. Melody
4. There are seven types of syllables that occur in all words of english language every word can broken down into this syllables these seven syllables include closed open magic in our themes are controlled diphthongs and consonant.
5. This type of melodic motion between notes that are steps apart is called stepwise or conjunct motion. An example of a stepwise melody would be a major scale as every note is a semitone or a tone above or below the previous note.
6. A chorale melody containing only steps, no skips: "Jesu, Leiden, Pein, and Tod". About this sound Play (help·info). In music, a step, or conjunct motion, is the difference in pitch between.
7. Upwards melodic movement. Descending: Downwards melodic movement (prevalent in the New World and Australian music) Undulating: Equal movement in both directions, using approximately the same intervals for ascent and descent (prevalent in Old World culture music).
8. Ascending: Upwards melodic movement. Descending: Downwards melodic movement (prevalent in the New World and Australian music)
9. When two notes are right next store to one another on the piano keyboard, they are steps. If your thumb is on C then the D your second finger is on is a Step Up from the note C. ... If a note on the staff is on a line, then the note on the next space either up or down is a step away from that line note.
I hope it helps po...