2. What are the impacts of these two pictures in our society? Health?​

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As most publishers know, images on websites have a direct link to website monetization. Images get more people on your site in the first place, increase user engagement while they’re there, and make it easier to encourage readers to take the actions you want them to take. That’s because images correlate with brain processes. It’s how humanity learned to communicate before the invention of written language, and it’s the very first way we still learn to communicate when we’re first born.

Today, we want to take a moment and explore how images impact us in real life – from the choices we make every day to the stories we tell ourselves about who we are.

Images Impact Human Memories

According to the BBC, images have a very powerful impact on human brains. BBC shares a couple of studies that showed people photos of hot air balloon rides and get togethers with Bugs Bunny that never happened, and explained that participants later remembered these events happened in their childhood.

BBC also reports about a study where adults played a game together. Shortly after the game, researchers showed participants images “proving” their game partners cheated. The researchers later told participants that these images were fake, but many of the participants were still sure their game partners cheated – something they never brought up before seeing the images.

BBC’s explanation? Images cultivate trust, and we remember them longer than we remember the context in which we saw them. Therefore, even when we know a photo isn’t real, it can still impact what we remember and feel about a certain event.
