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What is 6/8 the Time Signature?

  • A time signature of 6/8 means count 6 eighth notes to each bar.

What is value of a Quarter Note/Rest in 6/8 Time Signature?

  • By contrast, 6/8 time also has two quarter note beats per bar so it's “duple” too, but each one divides into three, making it a “compound duple” time signature.

In 6/8 Time Signature, what Note/Rest receives One Beat?

  • In 6/8 time, an eighth note gets one beat, and there are 6 beats per measure.

In 6/8 Time Signature, what Note/Rest has the longest duration?

  • The Semibreve or also known as Whole note has the longest note duration in modern music. The half note has half the duration of a whole note. The minim has half the duration of a semibreve. Two half notes occupy the same amount of time as one whole note.

In 6/8 Time Signature, what Note/Rest has the shortest duration?

  • Dotted Quarter Note. In 6/8 time, there are 2 beats per measure and the dotted quarter note (which = 3 eighth notes) has one beat.

What is the value of a Dot?

  • A dot that is placed after the note to indicate a change in the duration of a note. The dot adds half of the value of the note to itself. For example, a dotted half note gets 3 beats - value of a half note is 2, half of 2 is 1 so 2 + 1 = 3.

How can you differentiate aurally the Time Signature of the songs heard?

  • If the count is even, divide it in two until you get to an odd number or 4. For example, if you hear “thump, hit, hit, thump, hit, thump, hit” repeated, the song is in 7/4 time (grouped into 3/4 + 4/4). If you hear “thump, thump, hit, thump, hit, hit” repeated – a count of six – the song is in 3/4 time.
