1. Experts believe that life arose on earth from non-living things. The young Earth's conditions are favorable for the creation of the first amino acid.
A. Extra Terrestrial Origin
B. Theory of Panspermia
C. Divine Creation
D. Primordial soup Theory

2. The first living things is believed to be a
A. Bacteria
B. Fungi
C. Protist
D. Virus

3. Eukaryotes are classified as a true cell that animals including humans has. Karyote literally means______
A. Cell membrane
B. Mitocht
C. Necleus
D. Rough endoplasmic Reticulum

4. The first living organisms appeared on Earth_____.
A. 2 million years ago
B. 2.5 million years ago
C. 3 billion years ago
D. 3.5 billion years ago

5. Where the first know living things discovered?
A. Layers of rock
B. Mountain peaks
C. Fossils
D. Sediments