The stately flowers that are commonly used for decorating the church
during weddings are abbundantly there.
Calla lilies grow singly on long slender stalks. They may either be yellow or
white. They are Made into bridal bouquets or even wreats.

1. Calla lilies are commonly used for
a. corsages b. garlands c. church decoration
2.They are also called
a. water lily b. rose lily c. Baguio Lilies
3.In Baguio, these lilies grow
a. abundantly b. scarely c. singly
4.Calla lilies grow
a. in cluesters b. singly c. in pairs
5.The selection is about
a. gumamela b. calla lilies c. sampaguita
6.Their stalks are
a. slender b. stout c. wide
7.They may either be
a. white or red b. red or yellow c. yellow or white
8.Brides use Calla lilies in their
a. wreaths b. corsage c. bouquets
9.Calla lilies are also used for
a. corsage for the head b. corsage for dress c. wreat for the dead
10.Calla lilies are
a. stately b. fancy c. unattractive