please answer thank you

melted ice,butter,ect.
thank me later
1.Light Emission – Certain chemical reactions produce light as a result of the reaction.
2.Bubbles – When a chemical change occurs in a liquid solution, it very often produces gas bubbles, which can be seen in the liquid.
3.Change Of Color – A substance changing in color is an excellent indication that some form of chemical change has happened. Color changes are particularly noticeable in transition metals. An example of how a change in color indicates a chemical change is copper, which turns from a bronze color to a greenish color when it oxidizes.
4.Odor Change – Chemical reactions can release molecules with certain scents, this is especially true of volatile chemicals.
5.Change Of Temperature – Chemical reactions necessitate a shift in the energy of an object, and this energy change is frequently detectable as a change in temperature.
6.Formation Of Precipitate – Precipitate refers to solid particles that congregate together in a solution. Certain chemical reactions create these solid particles.
7.Irreversible Changes – While physical changes can often be reversed, chemical changes are basically irreversible in nature.
8.Change In General Form/Composition – Substantial changes in the composition or makeup of the substance often indicate chemical changes, such as when a log turns into ash as it burns.