1. When you buy peach mango or apple pie from a fast food store, the label says "CAUTION: Filling is hot!" Why are we warned of the filling and not the crust if the whole pie came from one oven?

2. Many store serves hot coffee in a paper cup or polystyrene foam cup. But hot beverage in paper cups have to be served with a cardboard sleeve, something that polystyrene cup do not require. Why so?

3. It is more convenient for your feet to be in seawater than on sand on a hot day on a beach. Why is it so when both water and sand are heated by the same sun?

Lesson is about heat and temperature. Patulong po.​

Sagot :


1. When you buy peach mango or apple pie from a fast food store, the label says "CAUTION: Filling is hot!" Why are we warned of the filling and not the crust if the whole pie came from one oven?

  • The temperature inside (filling) is different from its crust. They both heat up because of heat coming from the oven. But, the outer part has been cooled down because of the lower temperature we have in the surroundings (wind energy).

  • On the other hand, the heat gathered in the filling was trapped inside the pie since it's compacted. The process is just like what happened on the temperature of the Earth, it varies in the different layers of the Earth. The core has the highest temperature and mantle as the average while the crust has the least.

2. Many store serves hot coffee in a paper cup or polystyrene foam cup. But hot beverage in paper cups have to be served with a cardboard sleeve, something that polystyrene cup do not require. Why so?

  • Paper Cups and Polystyrene Foam Cups or also known as Styrofoam Cups are quite the same with handling hot coffee. They are both good insulators. Insulators prevent the passage of heat, electricity, light and even sound. It allows them to not be freely and easily pass through.

  • But, styrofoam still insulates better than paper cup since it has lower thermal conductivity in terms of BTU/(feet - hour - degrees F). Thermal conductivity is the ability to absorb and conduct heat. Styrofoam has 0.06 thermal conductivity while 0.09 for paper. The higher the thermal conductivity, the less great insulator it will be. And to add, styrofoam is thicker than paper that keeps the coffee hot longer although it is not that eco-friendly. Therefore, it is needed for hot beverage in paper cups to be served with a cardboard sleeve since it's thin and is not good insulator compared to styrofoam.

3. It is more convenient for your feet to be in seawater than on sand on a hot day on a beach. Why is it so when both water and sand are heated by the same sun?

  • Specific heat is the amount of heat energy to increase an object's temperature. Water has very high of this specific heat while sand have lower. Thus, the temperature of sand change more quickly (they easily become hot) than those in water.

  • The sand is also darker and less reflective. Therefore, they absorbs more radiation. In texture, rough and dry substance absorbs more heat, a contrast to water. Water is reflective, light and wet substance.

  • Water is also constantly moving that makes the absorb heat be cooled down. It is also large and deep. Not all the parts will be heated together, thus when heated water is combined with the larger mass of the unheated water, equates to a larger mass of the unheated water. While, sand is stable and absorbs heat more since cannot reflect the heat or radiation.
