1. Table tennis makes you (slow, fast) as a person
2. (Smashing, Serving) is the beginning of the game.
3. Correct handling of racket is called (touch, grip).
4. (Bouncing, Hitting) the ball on the table first is needed to hit the back
5. You have to improve your (jump, stance) for a stable stroke.
6. If your palm is facing the table, it is a (forehand push, backhand drive).
7. (Alertness, Dullness) is developed in playing table tennis.
8. If your palm is facing yourself and hitting back the ball, it is a (forehand
drive, backhand push).
9. (Balance, Throw) is you're on your free with hands open in serving.
10. Stance, grip, and (sitting, footwork) are some parts of basic skills in
playing table tennis​