directions make an acrostic of the word prophet to describe the prophets role in the history of salvation

In the Bible, these are what a prophet usually do in serving the Lord
P - Preaching or Proclaiming the Will of the Lord.
R - Rebuking Sins, Transgression, and Iniquity of humanity.
O - Offering sacrifices, worship, and prayers to the Lord.
- Obeying the Will of the Lord
P - Prophesying what will happen in the Day of the Lord.
H - Helping the sick, poor, and the widows.
- Healing the sick
E - Exemplify the image of Christ by loving others unconditionally(Agape).
- Exalting the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
T - Teaching the right way to be pleasing and acceptable to the Lord.
S - Showing the Miracles and Wonders of the Lord through Faith.
What is Agape? -