__1. Which among the sentences uses a linking verb that helps expresses an opinion?

A. You are brave enough to tell what you truly feel.

B. You shoul talk to a guidance councilor when you feel sad.

C. You made the right decision in sharing your problems to me.

D. You do what your parents can help you in times of need.

_____2. These words below are adjectives that express a positive feeling, except_______.

A. anxious

C. inspired

B. carefree

D. objective

_____3. Which of the following is the correct definition of adjective?

A. It is a word that expresses a state of being.

B. It is a word that expresses a strong obligation.

C. It is a word that describes nouns and pronouns.

D. It is a word that describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

_____4. Parents are _____ to see their children help in the household chores.

A. happy

C. amused

B. excited

D. satisfied

_____5. Which of the following verb espresses strong obligation?

A. am

C. must

B. dislike

D. ought to

_____6. Instead of wasting your time playing mobile games, you _______ read and study your lesson if

you don’t want to fall your exams.

A. could

C. had better

B. should

D. ought to

_____7. If you have problems, you __________ visit the guidance office or talk to someone you trust.

A. could

C. would

B. must

D. had better

_____8. It is ______ to see friends backstabbing each other.

A. insignificant

C. worst

B. impolite

D. sad

_____9. Technology helps connect people _____________, we must use it responsibly.

A. however

C. therefore

B. so that

D. unles​