DIRECTION: Write a GENERIC word for these SPECIFIC words.
1. television, refrigerator, electric fan, computer, printer.
2. Piano, guitar, drums, flute, kalimba
3. Toyota, Hino, Honda, Hiyundai
4. teacher, engineer, electrician, doctor, architect
5. English, MAPE, Science, Mathematics, Filipino
DIRECTION: Write at least 3 SPECIFIC words for this GENERIC word​

Sagot :

1. home appliances

2. musical instruments

3. cars

4. professions

5. academic subjects

A generic word is a word or a group of words that aims to describe a general or vague group or class.  It is a characteristic used to relate the group as a whole.  On the other hand, a specific word is a word or a group of words that stands as a representative of the general word.  It can be a thing, idea or person that refers in particular.


1. Specific Words: broom, mop, brush, gloves

  Generic Word: cleaning materials

2. Specific Words: make-up, face cream, lipstick, lotion, hair brush

   Generic Word: beauty essentials

Read the link for more examples:
