below is part of a speech from a valedoctorian.change this into a reported speech.write inside the scroll

"Whether we realize it or not, our families and friends have contributed greatly to our success in high school.Our parents pushed us to excel and to put everything we could into our schoolwork, leading us to give our best effort to school.Siblings and parents,teachers, or even our own.They reminded us what we are capable of and motivated us to continue working as hard as we could, either through encouraging words or more commonly
through sibling is for this inspiration and encouragement that i thank not only my own family, but the families of all the graduates joining me onstage today".


Sagot :


The valedictorian said that whether we realize it or not, our families and friends have contributed greatly to our success in high school.Our parents pushed us to excel and to put everything we could into our schoolwork, leading us to give our best effort to school.Siblings and parents,teachers, or even our own.They reminded us what we are capable of and motivated us to continue working as hard as we could, either through encouraging words or more commonly

through sibling is for this inspiration and encouragement that i thank not only my own family, but the families of all the graduates joining me onstage today.


That's what I know