ANGOELIJAHBREIANNEGO ANGOELIJAHBREIANNEGO Science Answered 1.On his way home, Daniel almost stumbled on a small rock. Struck by his curiosity, he wants to determine the density of this rock. He brought it to his house. The rock measured 45 g and 25 cm3. What would be its density?2.In Archimedes’ experiment, he found out that the density of pure gold is 19.32 g/cm3. How much space could a piece of gold occupy if it has a mass of 318.97 g?3. Displacement method is a technique of measuring the volume of an object, particularly irregular materials. This process includes dropping the object into a container with water with a known volume. When you drop the object, the water will definitely rise up. That is the water being displaced and is the volume of the solid. To determine the value, subtract the initial volume of water from the volume of water with the object.