What is the agricultural product that is usually known as source of income of Maragondonians? Solve the following equations. Copy the letter corresponding to each equation and write it above the corresponding answer in the boxes below that contain the answer code. B 5x²= 3x + 2 O x² = x+42 A x+2 M 2x² = x+3 S (x+1)²-4=0 1 x²-16=0 с 4x 3x x-1 T 6x+6 x+2 x²+x-2 2x²5x=0 K x² - 4x + 4 = 0 (1.-) (-4) -1) (1.-) (7-6) (7.-6) (1.-3) (0) (4-4) (-6) (2)​