Direction: write the letter of the correct answer on the space puded Date 1. Why is reproduction important to living organism? a. It collects and removes waste b. It controls body parts It collects and removes wastes dit ensures continued existence of the organisms 2. Which of the following is not a part of a male repinductive system? Il cervix b. Scrotu 3. It is a sack-like pouch which produces sugar rich fuld that provides energy to c. testes d. was deferens sperm cell's motility. a. penis h. Prostate gland c. seminal vesicle d. methura 4. An external male organ with a tip called plans. It is covered with foreskin that may be removed through circumcision. a. Cowper's gland b. penis c. urethra das deferens 5. It is a narrow opening between uterus and vagina that enlarges during birth to give way to passage of fetus. cervix 6. Oviduct c. uterus d. vagina 6. What part of the reproductive organ releases the hormones progesterone and estrogen? I endometrium b Fallopian tube c. OVARY d. testen 7. How many ovaries does a female have? 1 b. 2 C. 3 8. In which stage of human development that a person becomes physically mature? a. adulthood b. implantation c. puberty d. reproduction 9. What do you call the first menstruntion flow? it. menarche b. menopause c. menstruation d. Wet dream 10. What is the average menstrual cycle of a woman? a. 7 days b. 15 days c. 28 days d. 45 days 11. It connects the embryo and placenta; it is also the passageway of nutrients that the developing baby needs as well as its waste. a. mabilical cord b. placenta cumbilical cord d. uterine lining 12. What do you call the process of the union of the egg cell and sperm cell? a. fertilization b. Implantation c. menstruation d. ovulntion 13. What part of the male reproductive system serves as protection of the restes? b. prostate gland a glans C. Scrotum d. was deferens 14. Where fertilization of the egg cell does takes place? b. oviduct c. uterus d. vagina 15. Which is not a change experienced by a boy's body during puberty? a broadening of shoulders c. development of breasts d. growth of hair in the area b. deepening of voice