Sagot :
1. SQ3R Technique
SQ3R is named after its 5 steps – Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. The reading technique is great for comprehension and memory.
2. Skimming
Skimming is a reading technique used to get the main gist of a material. It’s all about going through a chunk of text quickly and less about comprehension.
3. Scanning
Scanning is similar to skimming in approach. It also involves going through a chunk of text quickly without any care for comprehension.
4. Active Reading
reading is a technique that involves carefully reading and analyzing every word for a deeper understanding of the material. Detailed reading is used to extract accurate information from a material.
6. Speed Reading
Speed reading is a technique that helps you read faster without compromising comprehension or retention.
7. Structure-Proposition-Evaluation Reading
This is an excellent reading technique for non-fiction, often called the SPE technique. It involves three steps.