what attributes of god is manifested in man's creation​

Sagot :


Roger Weil stated that the attributes of God in man’s creation are holy, righteous, love, merciful, gracious, and patient. 


1. The first attribute of God is holy. God is totally and absolutely holy. In order to have fellowship with a holy God we must be holy. In peter 1:15-16 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy”

2. The second attribute of God is righteous because God is perfect and holy it follows that everything that he thinks and does will also be perfect and holy. When he gave his laws to Moses these were an expression of his righteousness. And we can be righteous by believing in His son and live our life according to what is pleasing for Him. (John 14:6). There were many people who were righteous in God’s eyes in Old Testament such as Abraham, Job and David 

3. The third of attribute of God is love, God’s love for mankind is expressed in his son Jesus Christ (john3:16). And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love and he who abides in love abides in God and God in Him (1john 4:16)

4. The fourth attribute of God is merciful. Mercy is an active not a passive virtue, for God delight in mercy and acts in kindness toward those who are in the wrong in order to rescue and help them. Mercy is the active out-flowing of the love of God to man. That was why God sent His only begotten son to redeem all His people

5. The fifth attribute of God is gracious. For reference read (Romans 3:23-24), (2Tim 1:9), (John 1:14)

6. The sixth attribute of God is patient. In the Old Testament God’s patience is call “slow to anger” (psalm 145:8)