ENGLISH 6 Idiom is a phrase that says one thing but actually means something quite different. Example: A horse of a different color means something quite unusual. Directions: Write the letter of the correct meaning for each bold phrase. The first one has been done for yo 1. My parents will foot the bill for my birthday party. 2. Tony and Lisa will finally tie the knot in June. 3. Sam was down in the dumps after he wrecked his bicycle. 4. Sarah put her foot in her mouth when she was talking to our teacher. 5. I really missed the boat when I turned down the chance to work after school. 6. I got the brush-off from Susan when I tried to ask her where she was last night. 7. Mickey is in the dark about our plans to throw a surprise birthday party for him. 8. The children were bouncing of the walls when the baby-sitter tried to put them to bed. 9. The students were flying high on the last day of school. 10. My sister lost her cool when she discovered I had spilt chocolate milk on her new sweater. a. refusal to see or listen. b. misbehaving, acting in a wild way c. made a thoughtless remark d. lost an opportunity e. got angry f. pay for g. unknowing h. feeling very sad i. get married J. excited and happy​

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what is the answer is it quadratic or not