What is the significance of understanding the structure, composition, and age of the Universe?

Sagot :


The physical universe in a way is a type of dream by higher levels of consciousness.The base “particle” of physical reality is a consciousness unit (CU) that joins with others at the deepest level to form subatomic particles. Even that which we deem to be a complete vacuum is filled with virtual particles that may or may not ever have a physical existence from our perspective. With this in mind I have wondered about the nature of “dark energy”.

Physical reality (the multiverse) is a complex probability wave matrix in which all probabilities past, present and future do exist and are all happening NOW in and expanded present. Our sense of time as being linear is a psychological byproduct of or consciousness being focused in experiencing our physical reality. Time is actually just a temporal distance separating events. We have no problem with accepting the idea that NYC and LA can both exist NOW only being separated be a physical distance. Accepting the fact that probable yesterdays, presents and tomorrows all exist NOW only separated by a temporal distance is the next step.

In our daily lives there are and infinite number of future probabilities ahead of us. Desires, will, intent and actions increase the probabilities of some of these to the point of being actualized and experienced as a physical reality event. Probabilities not experiences by you in your timeline still exist. There are other parallel timelines located sideways in time. The “you” that you identify as yourself is only a part of your greater psyche composed of all the different “you’s” with different experiences.

This answer focuses on consciousness and some of the non-physical aspects of our physical universe. Others tend to focus on the materialistic physical qualities. Where you look to find your answers will find answers that fit in with your present belief system.