Activity 2: Directions: Put a check mark if the statement relates to your practice or habit and (X) it does not Statements

1. I am interested in my health status.

2. I regularly monitor my academic performance.

3. I undergo vision test to assess my visual acuity.

4. I participate in school activities which involved contests like drawing, cooking, and other academic program activities.

5. I visit the spiritual directors at least every quarter for spiritual assessment.

6. I seek the advice of trusted adults such as parents, teachers and guidance counselors whenever I have problem.

7. I follow the doctor's advice on how to take good care of my health.

8. I undergo scoliosis screening in my school, barangay clinic.

9. I join the inter school/barangay sports program with my classmates and friends.

10. I avail of the health services in our school/barangay health clinic.​

Activity 2 Directions Put A Check Mark If The Statement Relates To Your Practice Or Habit And X It Does Not Statements 1 I Am Interested In My Health Status 2 I class=