LEARNING TASK 3: Match the name of Inventors to COLUMN A to t bution in the development of automobile in COLUMN B. Write your a the space provided. COLUMN A 1. Thomas Edison A 2. William Durant 3. Karl Benz 4. Sakichi Toyoda 5. Joseph Cugnot 6. Gottieb Daimler 7. Nickolaus Otto 8. Soichiro Honda 9. Wright Brothers 10.Henry Ford 11. Rudolf Diesel 12. Nikola Tesla COLUMN B A. Speed petrol engine B. World's fastest car C. Father of Modern car D. Crude oil engine E. King of Japanese Investors F. Steam engine G. Airplane H. First practical 4-stroke engine I. Light bulb J. Father of Mass Production K. Alternating current L. Motor bike M. Multi-brand car​