LEARNING TASK 2: Ponder This Directions: Read and carefully understand the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follow on a clean sheet of paper.

1. Think of one moment when you received a package or gift. If there's none, think of a gift you once prepared for someone. Write about it by describing the packaging and how its packaging did suit the gift inside. What was your reaction on the package that you received, or in the gift you prepared? What did you feel after you finished packaging it? You may write it in English or Filipino; or you may also draw it, if you wish.

2. Bored on your answers in No 1 check (y) the ones that are true about packaging your Origami product:

Correct answer=Brainly
Pa ayus po pasahan na kasi thx.​

LEARNING TASK 2 Ponder This Directions Read And Carefully Understand The Following Paragraphs And Answer The Questions That Follow On A Clean Sheet Of Paper 1 T class=