MATCHING TYPE: Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write the letter of answe provided at the right side of the test paper. COLUMN A COLUMN B A. Alumni 1. Materials common among people living near the seashore also B. Seashells used in improving the repaired materials. C. PVC 2. The ideas manufacturers take into consideration on how to make trash turn it into new products 3. The type of plastic is friendlier to the environment D. Organic 4. Composting is achieved through recycling E. Hope 5. It is also known as "Energy Bank" F. Recycling 6. In the process of recycling it is considered a special waste. G. Non-biodegradable waste H. Paper 7. A methodology developed in Japan that is used to organize a workplace for work to be efficient and effective 8. A principle that can be done in I. 5's technique the work area after it has been cleared of unneeded items 9. The process of converting waste materials into reusable products. 10. This is a recyclable material that is easy to recycle J. recycling K. Seiri L. Seiketsu​