Sagot :


Poem Writing Rubric



Good Work



Focus on Assigned Topic

The entire poem is related to the assigned topic and allows the reader to understand much more about the topic.

Most of the poem is related to the assigned topic. The poem wanders off at one point, but the reader can still learn something about the topic.

Some of the poem is related to the assigned topic, but a reader does not learn much about the topic.

No attempt has been made to relate the poem to the assigned topic.


The poem contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has really used his imagination.

The poem contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has used his imagination.

The poem contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the poem. The author has tried to use his imagination.

There is little evidence of creativity in the poem. The author does not seem to have used much imagination.

Spelling and Punctuation

There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft.

There is one spelling or punctuation error in the final draft.

There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft.

The final draft has more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors.


Title is creative, sparks interest and is related to the poem and topic.

Title is related to the poem and topic.

Title is present, but does not appear to be related to the poem and topic.

No title.


Many vivid, descriptive words are used. The reader can picture the imagery in the poem.

Some vivid, descriptive words are used. The reader can somewhat picture the imagery in the poem.

The reader can figure out what to picture in the poem, but the author didn't supply much detail.

The reader has trouble figuring out what imagery the poem is using and what the author wants him/her to picture.


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