II. Complete the statement below by filling up with the correct word about the revolution and rotation of the earth on its axis and around the sun. 16 The earth is spinning on its 17 or The movement of the earth on its axis is called The direction of its rotation is from 18 to 19 counterclockwise direction. It takes 20 hours or 21 day to complete one rotation. The effect of the rotation of the earth on its axis is the and 23 Earth's rotation is inclined or tilted degrees relative to its plane of revolution around the sun. 22 for 24 The earth rotates as its travel around the sun in space. The movement id the earth around the sun is called The earth revolves around the 26 in a counterclockwise direction. It takes the earth days to revolve around the sun. The earth travels around the sun in a path or in an This orbit has an shape. The effect of the revolution oif the earth around the sun is 25 27 a year, or 28 29 the 30​