12. A telephone is a machine that can carry the sound of someone's voice somewhere far away. The root tele means far away. What does the root phon mean?
A. sound
B. life
C. light
D. heat

13. The root astro means star. What does the word astronomy mean?
A. the branch of science that studies the physics of light
B. the branch of science that studies sound and hearing
C. the branch of science that studies stars and other objects in space
D. the branch of science that studies moon and comets

14. The root vis means see or look at. What does the word revise mean?
A. to break or damage something again
B. to erase something again and change with a new one
C. to look over something again to correct or improve it
D. to measure something again with a different tool or instrument

15. A telescope is a tool that is used to look at something that is far away, in outer space. The root scope means look at or observe. What does the root tele mean?
A. carry
B. far away
C. measure
D. short distance

Sagot :

12. A.

root tele is a telephone, tele + phone.

13. C.

astronomy means the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.

14. C.

revise means  to look over again in order to correct or improve

15. B.

root tele is what you can hear from a distance