1.Viruses refer to infectious microscopic organisms that multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. They replicate themselves by integrating into the cell. When this happens, the virus uses the cell’s chemical machinery to keep itself alive. Viruses are responsible for causing many diseases such as measles, chicken pox, common colds, SARS, and COVID-19. In conclusion, viruses are microorganisms that harm other living things.
a. Narration

b. Definition

c. Exemplification

d. Process

e. Compare/Contrast

f. Cause & Effect

g. Classification

h. Description

2.Some scientists claim that Corona Virus can be airborne. However, World Health Organization (WHO) clarifies that the virus can be transmitted through aerosolized respiratory droplets. It means that a person can primarily get the virus through droplets coming from the infected person who coughs, sneezes or talks. The person can get the virus if he or she is within 6 ft. perimeter, does not have face mask, and inhaled the droplets. Also, people can be infected by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. Therefore, the primary mode of transmission is through droplets.

a. Narration

b. Definition

c. Exemplification

d. Process

e. Compare/Contrast

f. Cause & Effect

g. Classification

h. Description

3. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, there are safety protocols that must be followed when entering some establishments. First you must wear face mask and face shield. Next, present your quarantine pass. Then, the personnel will check your temperature. If your body temperature is 37°C and below, you can enter the establishment. After that, you will fill out a form asking for your contact information. Once done, you can proceed with your transaction but you will be asked to observe social distancing. These measures must be followed to ensure your safety and to avoid getting the virus.

a. Narration

b. Definition

c. Exemplification

d. Process

e. Compare/Contrast

f. Cause & Effect

g. Classification

h. Description

4. As COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow, comparisons have been drawn between COVID-19 and SARS. These viruses have similarities and differences in terms of their symptoms and transmission. Both viruses have common symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath. However, other symptoms like fever and chest pain are commonly experienced in SARS while sore throat and runny nose are observed in COVID-19. In terms of transmission, both viruses can be spread through droplets when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or talks. However, COVID-19 has a wider scope of transmission than SARS because the droplets from a COVID-19 infected person can reach up to 6 feet while the droplets from a SARS infected person can only reach up to 3 feet. To sum up, even though COVID-19 and SARS have differences, both are still deadly to humanity.

a. Narration

b. Definition

c. Exemplification

d. Process

e. Compare/Contrast

f. Cause & Effect

g. Classification

h. Description

5. Despite the problems brought by the pandemic, it has undeniably cultivated certain Filipino values. Because of the situation, family ties have been strengthened. Filipinos have valued more the presence of the family members and enjoy the time together. Also, the crisis made their faith to God stronger. Further, they have better realized the importance of proper hygiene, good nutrition, and a clean environment. This led to a positive habit formation that protects themselves and their loved ones. Truly, when viewed in a positive lens, this pandemic can bring out the best of Filipinos.

a. Narration

b. Definition

c. Exemplification

d. Process

e. Compare/Contrast

f. Cause & Effect

g. Classification

h. Description (good answer plss)

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