Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. It is the hottest planet. B. Venus C. Mars A. Mercury D. Earth 2. It is bigger and heavier than all other planets combined. A. Uranus D. Jupiter B. Neptune C. Earth- 3. It is the farthest planet in the solar system. A. Uranus B. Neptune C. Earth D. Jupiter 4. The planet is surrounded by 53 known moons. A. Saturn B. Jupiter C. Uranus D. Neptune 5. The blue planet in the solar system that can sustain life. A. Mercury B. Venus C. Mars D. Earth 6. It is the smallest planet in the solar system. A. Earth B. Mars C. Mercury D. Venus 7. It is often called Evening Star or Morning Star. A. Mercury B. Venus C. Mars D. Earth 8. The planet has 27moons. Titania is the largest moon. A. Saturn B. Jupiter C. Uranus D. Neptune 9. Which of the following is not an inner planet? A. Earth B. Venus C. Mercury D. Jupiter. 10. Which of the following is a Jovian Planet? A. Mars C. Mercury B. Uranus D. Venus 11. Planet that is known for its volcanoes. A. Earth B. Mars C. Mercury D. Venus 12. Why is Mars called a "red planet"? The presence of A. hydrogen in the atmosphere. B. iron on its surface. rection: Arrange the planots fr C. oxygen in the atmosphere. D. rocks and metals in the core of the planet.​