Based on your answers from the table above, describe each type of soil.

Loam - is soil made with a balance of the three main types of soil: sand, silt, and clay soil. As a general rule, loam soil should consist of equal parts of all three soil types. This combination of soil types creates the perfect soil texture for plant growth.
Sand - Sandy soils are those that are generally coarse textured until 50 cm depth and consequently retain few nutrients and have a low water holding capacity. Soil management practices which lead to an increase in the fine fraction are helpful in improving soil properties and crop productivity.
Clay - is a heavy soil type that benefits from high nutrients. Clay soils remain wet and cold in winter and dry out in summer. These soils are made of over 25 percent clay, and because of the spaces found between clay particles, clay soils hold a high amount of water.
Answer:The Three Types of Soils Are Loam Soil, Sand, and Clay.
The LOAMY SOIL is the mixture of clay, sand and silt soil which consists of additional organic matter and is very fertile compared to other types of soil. It is well suited for cultivation as the plant roots get a sufficient amount of water and nutrients for their growth and development.
The SANDY SOIL is light, warm, dry and tends to be acidic and low in nutrients. Sandy soils are often known as light soils due to their high proportion of sand and little clay (clay weighs more than sand). These soils have quick water drainage and are easy to work with.
The CLAY SOIL is a heavy soil type that benefits from high nutrients. Clay soils remain wet and cold in winter and dry out in summer. These soils are made of over 25 percent clay, and because of the spaces found between clay particles, clay soils hold a high amount of water.
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