1. Place the mug or small cup in the center of the bowl. Fill the bowl with water about 2/3 of the way up the cup (do not put water inside the cup).
2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and either tie it with string or place a large rubber band around it to secure the plastic wrap.
3. Place it outside in a sunny area for a few hours.
4. After a few hours observe what happens to the plastic wrap and see if there is water inside the cup.

Guide Questions

1. What did you observe from the plastic wrap?
2. Where did the water on the plastic wrap come from?
3. What made the water particles move up from under the plastic cover? What process is involved?
4. What process is demonstrated - when the water drops were too heavy and fell back down to the water in the bowl or mug?

Sagot :


1. Water droplets

2.from water in the bowl

3.due the sun's heat. The process of evaporation

4.it demonstrates precipitation.


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