ARTS 1. What is a form of traditional dance and performance in Chinese culture? A. Monkey dance B. Bali dance C. Dragon dance D. Tiger Dance 2. What kind of shadow puppet of Indonesia employed spotlights, colored lights and other innovations? A.Peking Opera B. Kabuki C. Wayang Kulit D. Wayang Sandosa. 3. What refers to the male role in Kabuki? A. Kesho B. Aragoto C. Onna-gatta D. Mie 4. What is traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized song, mime, and dance? A.Peking Opera B. Kabuki C. Kesho D. Aragoto 5. What refers to the female role in Kabuki? B. Kesho B. Aragoto C. Onna - gatta D. Mie stops in folk dance Find your answers PE basic