True or False
____________1. Physical fitness is the general well-being by which an individual can perform regular
physical tasks efficiently.
____________2. Itik-itik originated in the province of Leyte.
____________3. Tinikling originated in the province of Surigao in Mindanao.
____________4. Before you do an activity, you need to perform warm-up exercise to prevent injury
and muscle pain.
____________5. Dancing can be fun if done properly.
____________6. Tinikling Ha Bayo is an older version of Tinikling.
____________7. In the Philippines, there are different versions of the same folk dance and that the
variations enrich folk dancing traditions.
____________8. Folk dances represent some cultural aspects of the place where they came from.
____________9. The dance tinikling imitates the movements of a duck.
____________10. The dance itik-itik imitates the movements of tikling.