A – if statement A and B are both true
R – if statement A and B are both false

_____ 1. A. Constellations are stars that form patterns.
B. They are named after legendary characters and animals.

_____ 2. A. Constellation are useful to people.
B. They can help find direction by finding Orion.
_____ 3. A. Asterism is a constellation.
B. Asterism is a part of constellation.

_____ 4. A. Big Bear is an asterism.
B. Orion Belt is an asterism.

_____ 5. A. Polaris is a North Star.
B. Polaris is a fixed star in the North.

_____6. A. There are 68 constellations.
B. There are 88 constellations.

_____ 7. A. Big dipper is within the constellation of Ursa Major.
B. Orion’s Belt is within the constellation of Orion the Hunter.

_____ 8. A. The 12 Zodiac constellations are known as the birth signs.
B. The Zodiac constellations begin with Gemini the twins.

______9. A. Cassiopeia has 7 stars that forms letter W.
B. Ursa Major forms the little dipper.

_____ 10. A. Constellations help form a map in the sky.
B. Sky maps help in the study of space travels.