What is the cause and effect of Greenhouse?

The causes of greenhouse are burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, farming, and industrial waste and landfills. Meanwhile, the effects of greenhouse are global warming, depletion of ozone layer, smog and air pollution, and acidification of water bodies.
The major causes of the greenhouse effect are:
Our lives rely heavily on fossil fuels. They are commonly utilized to generate electricity and for transportation. Carbon dioxide is released during fossil fuel combustion. The use of fossil fuels has expanded along with population growth. The atmospheric release of greenhouse gases has increased as a result of this.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and trees, who then release oxygen. The chopping of trees causes a significant increase in greenhouse gases, which raises the temperature of the earth.
One of the factors in the atmosphere's greenhouse effect is the nitrous oxide used in fertilizers.
Hazardous gases are produced by businesses and manufacturers and released into the atmosphere.
Additionally, landfills release methane and carbon dioxide, which contribute to the greenhouse gases.
The main effects of increased greenhouse gases are:
It is the phenomena of a steady rise in the atmosphere's average temperature. The rising emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane from burning fossil fuels, as well as from vehicles, factories, and other human activities, are the primary causes of this environmental problem.
The planet is shielded by the ozone layer from the sun's deadly UV rays. In the top reaches of the stratosphere, it is located. The earth's surface is exposed to dangerous UV radiation as a result of ozone layer loss, which might cause skin cancer and significantly alter the climate.
Smoke and fog come together to create smog. It may be brought on by both natural and artificial processes.
Most of the world's water bodies are now acidic due to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Acid rain is produced when the greenhouse gases combine with rainwater. Water bodies get more acidic as a result of this.
Learn more about global warming here https://brainly.ph/question/14246992