TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is correct and if False, change the word or group of words to make the statement true . 2 points each. 1. The soil possesses physical, chemical and biological properties which influence its capacity to supply nutrients to plants.
2. Essential elements include N, P, K, Ca, Mg. Al, and Na. When soil test value of a particular nutrient is low, the probability of obtaining a response to application of that nutrient to crops is relatively high.
3. Essential elements can be substituted with another similar element when it becomes deficient in the soil.
4 Biofertilizers are organic fertilizers like compost which contains and release nutrients essential for plant growth.
5. Cation exchange reaction can take place between the soil and soil solution and between the soil and plant leaves.
6. Soil pH is biological property of the soil that influences the solubility and availability of soil nutrients and activity of soil microorganisms.
7. Legumes like peanut have narrow C/N ratio while corn stover has wide C/N ratio which implies that former will decompose slower than latter.
8. Liebig’s Law of the Minimum state that the amount of plant growth and yield is not influenced by the nutrients present in the soil.
9. Soil fertility evaluation is a process by which nutritional problems are diagnosed and fertilizer recommendations are made.
10. In a soil chemical test, the amount of nutrient in the soil extract can be quantified simply by looking at intensity of the color formed in the sample solution.