operation in Monomial Binomial​

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What is Operation in monomials?✍

  • The multiplication of monomials is another monomial that takes as its coefficient the product of the coefficients and whose literal part is obtained by multiplying the powers that have the same base. According to the laws of exponents, we multiply the exponents by adding their powers together in the answer.

What is a monomial and binomial?✍

  • monomial—A polynomial with exactly one term is called a monomial. binomial—A polynomial with exactly two terms is called a binomial. trinomial—A polynomial with exactly three terms is called a trinomial.

What is operation in Binomials?✍

  • In Algebra, binomial theorem defines the algebraic expansion of the term (x + y)n. It defines power in the form of axbyc. The exponents b and c are non-negative distinct integers and b+c = n and the coefficient 'a' of each term is a positive integer and the value depends on 'n' and 'b'