EDELMAINTESGO EDELMAINTESGO Health Answered 1.A life-threatening reaction that can affect a number of organs at the same timea. allergic shockb. asthmac. cardiovascular diseased. cancer2. it is the most common of the allergic diseases and is characterized by seasonal nasal symptoms that are due to pollensa. asthmab. cancerc. diabetesd. hay fever3. a chronic lung disorder that causes airways to become inflameda. allergic shockb. arthritisc. asthmad. hypertension4. it occurs when a clot blocks a small blood vessel in the brain thus brain cells die from lack of oxygena. aneurysmb. hay feverc. hypertensiond. stroke5. it occurs when the heart muscle tissue dies from lack of oxygen because of reduced blood flowa. arrhythmiab. asthmac. congenital heart diseased. myocardial infraction6. a disease of the heart and blood vesselsa. allergyb. cancerc. cardiovascular diseased. diabetes7. it occurs when blood pressure is higher than normala. aneurysmb. asthmac. hypertensiond. kidney failure8. a disease that prevents the body from converting food into energya. allergic eczemab. diabetesc. hay feverd. stroke9. it refers to the inflammation of jointsa. arthritisb. asthmac. diabetesd. kidney failure.10. it is caused by abnormal cells growing without controla. aneurysmb. arteriosclerosisc. cancerd. hypertension