Sagot :
- A story of mama mary
Shorten Story
- Mama mary/virgin Mary was a Jewish girl from the town of Nazareth. She was planning to marry a man named Joseph. Mary didn't realize it at the time, but God had selected her from among all the Jewish maidens to carry out a very particular mission for Him. The word was delivered to her by an angel sent by God.
What does it mean for Jesus to have been conceived via the labor and mercy of the Holy Spirit?
- It indicates that without the assistance of man, God became Man. Only God is Jesus' Father (cf. Lk 2:48-49). It denotes the fact that Mary was a virgin. Mary's virginity demonstrates God's unrivaled initiative in the Incarnation. Only God is Jesus' Father.
What is Eve's connection with Mary?
- Throughout the Old Covenant, many saintly women laid the way for Mary's mission. In the beginning, there was Eve; despite her disobedience, she obtains the promise of a triumphant posterity over the wicked one, as well as the promise of being the mother of all the living.