1. Stitch for temporarily holding fabric in place.
2. also known as whip stitch
3. Stitch used to sew on fasteners like snaps, hook and eyes.
4. It is used to give an outline to embroidery designs.
5. A concealed stitch for sewing folded edge.
6. It resembles machine stitch.
7. A very short, even stitch for fine, permanent sewing
_8. Used specially on bulky materials for finishing and
9. Used to secure edges of fabric from unravelling.
10. A hand or machine stitch for seams and decorations.
a. back stitch
b. running stitch
c. catch stitch
d. slip stitch
e. blanket stitch
f. basting stitch
g. outline stitch
h. chain stitch
į. overcast stitch