After watching the video lesson, answer the following questions. Write letter of the correct answer in your Science notebook , take a screenshot and upload it below.
____________1. It is the rate at which an object is moving along a path.
____________2. It is the rate and direction of an object’s movement.
____________3. It is how much ground an object has covered during its motion.
____________4. It is how far out of place an object is or the object’s overall change in position.
____________5. It is how long it took the object from one position to another.
____________6. It is the rate at which velocity changes with time, in terms of both speed and direction.
____________7. It is an instance of uniformly accelerated motion in two- dimensions.
____________8. It as a body travelling in projectile motion
____________9. It is the curved path travelled by a projectile
____________10. It is the horizontal distance travelled by a projectile.
a. projectile motion
b. displacement
c. acceleration
d. velocity
e. trajectory
f. distance
g. range
h. time
i. speed
j. projectile