SOFIA201122GO SOFIA201122GO Science Answered Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Writeyour answer on your Notebook1.Which soil has loose particles?a.Loam b.Clay c. Sand d.Rock2.Which of the following types of soil is best for planting?a. Loam b.Clay c.Sand d.Rock3.What type of soil do you usually expected in a coastal community?a.Loam b.Clay c. Sand d.Rock4.Which type is characterized as having the finest particles that hold agreater amount of water?a.Loam b. Clay c.Sand d.Rock5.How many types of soil are there?a. 3 b.4 c.5 d.66.Which of these is made up of the smallest particles of rocks thatcontain decayed matter of plants and animals?a.Bacteria b. Soil c.Mineral d.particle7.How does each type of soil differ?a.Texture b.Color c.Odor d. All of these8.Why is soil important to living things?a. Because it is part of the earth that animal lives.b. Because it provides the necessary nutrients needed by plants.c. Because it serves as a place where people live.d. All of the above.9.Which type of soil is good for making pots?a. Loamb. Clayc. Sandd. Rock10.Loam is a mixture of Sand and Clay.