PERFORMANCE TASKS for WEEK 6: Directions: Read and understand each statement below. Put a (V) if the statements are CORRECT and X) if it is WRONG. 1. While at the computer, keep your elbows bent at the right angle.
2. You cannot use whichever thumb to press the Space key,
3. Don't hammer on the keys. Try using the minimum force possible.
4. Look at the keys when you type. Just slide your fingers around until they find the home row marking.
5. The base position on the numeric pad is the number 4 key for the middle finger, 5 for the index finger, and 6 for the ring finger.
6. Face the screen with your head slightly tilted forward.
7. Do not look at the keyboard. Try to locate the right key with your fingers.
8. All keyboards usually have small protrusions (BUMP) on the F and 3 keys.
9. Take your time when typing to avold mistakes,
10. Keep your hands and fingers close to the base position.