In a small group, discuss the following scenarios where portfolio assessment is used. Identify whether the portfolio assessment has served its goal or not. If faulty, what should teachers do to correct the mistakes?

1. Teacher Rosa gave the task at the beginning of the grading period. The students clearly understood what Teacher Rosa would like them to do. With proper guidance, the students were able to accomplish their own individual portfolio even it was very difficult to make. ​

2. It was already in the 4th grading period and because there was no enough time left teacher Greg recalled all projects that the students made over the past months and asked them to compile them as their final project.

3. Teacher Maria consistently checks the works of her students. She even created her own anecdotal records on what the students experienced in the process. The data at hand were used to plan for another supporting strategy to accomodate the needs of her learners.

4. Teacher April gave the portfolio project during the first meeting. She was also able to give the instructions and expectations that her students needed to achieve. During the presentation , teacher April just introduced the scoring rubric that she's going to use.

5. After evaluating the portfolios teacher Martha returned them to her students without giving them feedback. Some students felt self-pity because they got scores than the others.

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