Activity 1-Match it! Directions: Match the statement in column A with the terms in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer. COLUMN A COLUMN B Rotation 1. He established that the planets revolve A. around the sun. Sir Isaac Newton It is an imaginary line which a planet rotates. Earth's rotation from west to east. Coriolis Effect West He was able to establish that gravity affects the planetary motion. 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.2 seconds The effect where the flow of air and water is diverted from north-south direction and east-west direction. It is the movement of a planet on its F. Johannes Kepler G. Counterclockwise H. East The direction where the sun rises. The earth's rotation is inclined or tilted by how many degrees relative to its plane of revolution around the sun. The amount of time when Earth completes its one counterclockwise rotation. 1. 23.5 degrees 10. The direction where the sun sets. Axis Activity 2- Think of Mol Directions: Read each bubble and determine if the phrase is describing the rotation or the revolution of the Earth. If it describes rotation, color the bubble YELLOW. If it describes revolution, color the bubble GREEN 00 @