PERFORMANCE TASK 3: MATH-DIKSYUNARYO (40 POINTS) 1. Use a scrap book. You can use any recycled materials for it.
2. For the 2nd Quarter, choose 5 unfamiliar words to you for every week. Define the unfamiliar words and compile them using the scrap book.
3. You should have 40 words with meaning for this performance task.

10 points 8 points 4 points All words are relevant and correct. Most of the parts of the words are relevant and correct. 6 points Some of the words are relevant and correct. Little to none of the words are relevant and correct. The output is clear, neat and organized. The output is organized with few smudges or tears. has The output several smudges or tears. The output has many smudges or tears and unorganized The output shows excellent creativity. The output shows poor/no creativity. The output shows average creativity. Most of the task is complete and provided 35 words and meaning. is All task is complete and provided 40 words and meaning. The output shows moderate creativity. Some of the task is and complete provided 30-20 words and meaning. The task incomplete. Be guided by the following criteria/rubric: Criteria Content/Accuracy Neatness Creativity Completion

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