The manager of a tool and die shop needs help with job processing and control. Jobs are currently processed by hand. First, a job number is established. Next, the job supervisor estimates time and materials for the job. This is a time-consuming process, and delays are common. Then, the job is scheduled for a specific day and estimated time.
On the day, the job is to be worked on, materials orders have to be issued to stores. If materials are not available, the order has to be rescheduled.
Time cards are completed in the shop when workers fulfill the work order. These time cards are also used to chargeback time to the customer. Time cards are process by hand, and the final calculations are enter on the work order. The work orders are checked for accuracy and sent to CIS, where accounting records will be update and the customer is billed.
The problem is that the customer frequently calls to inquire on costs already incurred on a work order; but it's not possible to respond because CIS sends a report of all work orders only once a month. The management has no idea of how good initial estimates are or how much work is being done on any tool or machine, or by any worker.

QUESTION: Answer the following question. Write your answer on a short bond paper with signature over printed name located at the lower right corner.
1. What system are you going to recommend in solving the problem of the company? Why?
2. Identify at least 3 objectives of the proposed system.
3.What methodology are you going to apply in the system development? Why?
4. Identify all the possible beneficiaries and their benefits in the proposed system.

Sagot :


yes I'm happy 4 this wonderfully question