LEARNING TASK 1. WHAT IS IT AGAIN?! Read and study the paragraph then answer the questions below.
As part of Tim's research project, he performed an experiment to determine the pH level of common household substances using a pH meter. To get a valid result, he performed three trials per substance. The first substance he used is the lemon juice wherein he recorded a pH level of 2.4, 2.0 and 2.2 for the 3 trials. The second one is baking soda with a pH level of 8.4, 8.3 and 8.7. The last substance is an orange juice with a pH level of 3.5, 4.0 and 3.4. The average pH level of the three substances is 2.2, 8.5 and 3.6, respectively.
1. What does the paragraph tell us?
2. Is it easy for you to compare and summarize the values presented in the paragraph? How do you say so?
3. What do you suggest on how we can better present data instead of stating them in paragraphs?